Free Downloads
If you've got any questions, want to say hi, or anything else, we're happy to talk!
Let's get started!
Know you need to make a change but not sure where to start? Check out the helpful downloads below!
With this tool, you simply have to enter a few numbers and let the tool do the rest!
Actual vs Goal comparison
Trending view of your progress
One place to summarize your data
This is a great step to further your data-driven journey!
Avoid having to remember which premium and line options end up being the least expense and what carriers offer what.
Summarize everything easily with clear visual cues to highlight the best potential options for your client!
Want more customization built? Reach out to us and we'll build something specifically for you!
Get your input-based, customizable Cost Benefit Analysis tool! For FREE!
Make sure hiring a new producer/sales rep is financially beneficial for your company - or at least see what a "breakeven" scenario looks like!
This tool comes with:
Three customizable scenarios
Over a dozen adjustable inputs
Clear employee and agency performance results
(BONUS) Expected Value sheet
Want more customization built? Reach out to us and we'll build something specifically for you!
This basic budget template tool will help you establish a quick game plan for next year!
It helps you dissect your financials into a few distinct categories, and then apply growth rates for next year!
It will also show you some historical growth rates you can use as a base, and show you what you should aim for monthly!
307 W Tremont Ave #200
Charlotte, NC 28203
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