Want to learn how to do this yourself? Sign up for our online dashboard course to learn our insider secrets, tips and tricks of how to create a dashboard!
Online Dashboard Course: https://www.pineapplecf.com/online-course-build-your-own-dashboard
Or ready to just dive in and give it a try on your own? Here is the link to coupler that we mentioned.
Coupler Link: https://app.coupler.io/register/sign_up?referral_code=Pineapplecf
Love the idea of a data dashboard but don't have the time to learn or do it yourself? Check out our Advanced Financial Dashboard Services:
https://www.pineapplecf.com/financial-dashboards Looking for more examples or services? Check out our website! https://www.pineapplecf.com/
[Video Transcript]
What's up y'all! We are back helping the small business world become more data-driven. I'm Jack Tompkins, the founder of Pineapple Consulting Firm and we are always out there trying to help folks become more data-driven; offering tools and services to do just that.
Today we are helping CPAs and accountants, some of our favorite partners. Y'all keep the financials in order and we produce the results in a simple and visually appealing way. We need it. We need partners like CPAs and accountants because garbage in, garbage out, right? We can make the prettiest dashboard in the world with all the analysis on top of it but if the numbers aren't right, it doesn't matter. A big queue is if you're putting things together manually, you already know there's a better way. And it's probably below everybody on your team's pay grade to do it in a manual fashion. So let's automate it and get a better end result in the process, in the form of a dashboard.
If you're looking for a good solution to show your clients what's going on in their business and not just talk about it and spend half the meeting talking about it, and if you have a little bit of time and some patience and you want to learn some new skills; we do have a course teaching these skills linked below. We're just going to go through the end result here and talk about all the benefits because that's the exciting part!
Here is a quick overview of the back end. Number one, starting with QuickBooks or any accounting software; you got to get the data from point A to point B and we oftentimes use a tool called coupler. Couple with an r at the end of it. Our affiliate link is linked below and that gets the data from QuickBooks into a database format. Then you'll need a tool to visually display the results. It could be something as simple as Excel but the example that we're going to walk through is called Google Looker Studio. If you're familiar with Power Bi or Tableau, it is just a data visualization software or business intelligence software and this is Google's version. It is totally free to use. If you follow those steps, use coupler, and use Google, it ends up being a very low-cost way to create a dashboard for your clients. As always we're trying to help folks be data-driven and not break the bank, so everything is affordable.
For our version, we've got a development team, so a little bit more sophisticated than coupler but that development team keeps everything automated, makes it secure, and makes it easy. That's the version that we're going to show you. There's some upfront work but that's always necessary.
Here we go, this is our client financial dashboard. This is an example data set of course but this is an income statement. It obviously does not look like one and that is of course 100% intentional because as I'm sure most of you know way better than us, clients don't really love looking at income statements. They're boring black-and-white pieces of paper. So this is what we do. We take your brand colors, and obviously, this is in our brand colors, but we would take your brand colors, fill out the metrics that you want to show your clients in a standardized view across all of your clients, and then we put it into a summary like this. We create a completely custom version for you so that you can standardize the views for your clients. Confused yet? We're taking your clients' data, your metrics, and your brand and making a custom dashboard for you that you can then go to one place, login, and see all of your clients in that same format.
This would be an example of one client and you could of course see your entire book. You could select multiple clients. They of course would only have access to their own data but the biggest selling points, that we've seen at least, as we're rolling this product out is the trends over time. We've got some three monthers down here and we've got the 12 month up here this is a lot more visual and a lot easier to understand than a QuickBooks P&L CSV export. The other piece is these percentages. I think these are month over month but you can make it year over year, quarter over quarter, doesn't matter. Being able to compare is a very very big selling point to the clients that we've worked with. Then of course the breakdowns right here. How are we making money? Who's our top customer? Do we have more than 30% in one bucket? All that good stuff.
All of this stuff is again completely custom. This is our example one and a lot of people like this. We do offer this for a discounted rate but we can also create this completely custom for you.
All of this is also possible for you to create if you use coupler and Google Looker Studio like I mentioned before. It is a very low-cost way of doing this but takes a little bit of creativity and a little bit of skill. But again, we do have of course teaching you that as well. Of course, we are happy to do it for you, but honestly, we just want the world to be more data-driven. If you want to give it a shot, go for it. Use us as a sounding board for free. We are totally open to that. If you want to have a more in-depth conversation or have us do it for you, we're obviously happy to do that too! So give it a shot, if it doesn't work out, or you just want a second opinion, give me a shout, and we'll get it working together. I'm looking forward to seeing what you create and let's help the small business world become more data-driven together
Take Your Small Business to the Next Level
Thank you so much for watching our video on CPA & Accountant KPI dashboard in Google Looker Studio Example. Are you ready to take your Small business to the next level? Check out our financial dashboards to help you package your most important financial data into a user-friendly, easy to understand dashboard. If you need a custom solution or have questions, do not hesitate to send us a message! Thanks again for visiting Pineapple Consulting Firm.
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